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Guangzhou Limon Stage Lighting
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Stage lighting is not only used on the stage, it is used in interior decoration.
Updated:2020-04-17 15:47
Most of the time we feel that the use of stage lighting is limited to the stage, but this is not the case. More and more people are introducing stage lighting into the interior decoration, so that the interior decoration is diversified. When you match different lights, the whole The indoor environment has become another world. Stage lighting is also called "stage lighting", referred to as "lighting". One of the means of stage art modeling. Using stage lighting equipment (such as lighting fixtures, slides, control systems, etc.) and technical means, with the development of the plot, display the environment with light color and its changes, render the atmosphere, highlight the central figure, create a sense of stage space, time, and shape The external image of the stage performance and provide the necessary lighting effects (such as wind, rain, clouds, water, lightning).
 In the process of home decoration, the arrangement of indoor lighting is also a kind of art. The light creates a light atmosphere and is an important factor in creating a comfortable space. Good lighting layout can sometimes open up the space and enhance the visual transparency of the home. Poor lighting arrangement will affect people's mood. Let's take a look at how the lighting design fits correctly in the home-fitting process.
 As the saying goes, a good Maxima only has the opportunity to show his life skills when he meets Bole. A good performer can only make the performance more vivid on a stage suitable for him. A good stage must be decorated with light, which can paint the expression of the expresser's mood. Then the interior decoration also shows a different style under the light like the performer.
 Some friends have limited expenses for renovation, and hope to make up for various imperfections in home decoration through lighting in the later stage. It is most common to install too many spotlights. As a result, it was found that too many spotlights were not only wasting electricity, but they were still uncomfortable when sitting down, or those colorful spotlights turned the home into a KTV and felt uncomfortable. Whether you are pursuing lighting effects for that consideration, installing too many spotlights at home is an inappropriate choice. Regardless of the power consumption of spotlights, too many spotlights generate a lot of heat in terms of safety hazards. Home improvement products are exposed to high temperatures for a long time, which is more likely to cause fires.
 Although the required lighting should not be too bright, but there is no light source is not acceptable, it is recommended to consider the lighting settings here when the porch layout. If the chandelier can no longer be installed in the aisle, consider placing a floor lamp in the corner of the corridor, and try to remove the decoration and debris from the corridor to make the corridor more spacious.

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